* What does IMO have for me?
3 days of exposure to a complete musical environment where you compete with musicians from all over Karachi. You will also be put through musical workshops where you will enhance your skills and better apply them in future.

* Where can I Register?
   Click here to register

* What will I learn?
You will learn the competitiveness that comes with music. You will be exposed to various other talented individuals with whom you can exchange ideas and tips regarding your skills. The knowledge you will receive listening to esteemed personalities related to the music industry will help you make your dream a reality one day.

* How many days is it going to last?
3 very eventful days including 2 socials at the end of Day 1 and Day 2

* Date of the event?
The event will take place from April 10th, 2015 – April 12th, 2015

* Timings of the event?

* What events are there in IMO ’15 and what is the Participation Fees for them?
  1. Voice Hunt 1000 per individual
  2. Battle of Bands 4000 per Band
  3. Lyrics War 1000 per individual
  4. Music Composition 1000 per individual
  5. Clash of Instruments 1000 per individual
  6. Music Kasauti 3000 per Team (Team of 3 people)
  7. Rap Music Competition 1000 per individual
  8. Beat Boxing Challenge 1000 per individual
  9. Music Video Competition 1000 per individual
  10. Youth Dance Contest 1000 per individual
* Are there any social events?
There are 2 mega social events planned. Details to be disclosed soon.

* What will be the Venue for the event?
The IBA Music Olympiad ’15 will take place in the Main Campus of IBA.

* Can we bring our friends outside IBA?
  Yes you can, on the condition that they respect and abide by the IBA rules and regulations on the premises.

* Are there going to be refreshments? 
   Refreshments will be provided for each of the 3 days.

* Is there any prize money?
Total prize money of 150,000 PKR is to be given to the winners in all the competitions held.

* Security concerns?
Keeping in mind the unpredictable circumstances of the city, we assure you top class security for all the participants and guests. IBA Main Campus has the necessary security measures already in place. We always and have and always will keep your safety on the top of our priority list.

* Can I take part in more than one competition?
 A participant can take part in maximum two competitions provided that the competitions are from different slots/pools.

* Is it necessary for me to register through a particular institution?
 No, we are open to private participants and teams as well.

* What is the deadline for registrations?
7th April 2015

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